


Chapter 2. What's new in Spring 2.0 and 2.5?

2.1. Introduction

If you have been using the Spring Framework for some time, you will be aware that Spring has undergone two major revisions: Spring 2.0, released in October 2006, and Spring 2.5, released in November 2007.

This chapter is a guide to the new and improved features of Spring 2.0 and 2.5. It is intended to provide a high-level summary so that seasoned Spring architects and developers can become immediately familiar with the new Spring 2.x functionality. For more in-depth information on the features, please refer to the corresponding sections hyperlinked from within this chapter.



ハイレベルな要約の提供を目指した。年季の入ったSpring architects のようにそして、開発者が即座に2.xの機能に精通できるように。


2.2. The Inversion of Control (IoC) container

One of the areas that contains a considerable number of 2.0 and 2.5 improvements is Spring's IoC container.
2.2.1. New bean scopes

Previous versions of Spring had IoC container level support for exactly two distinct bean scopes (singleton and prototype). Spring 2.0 improves on this by not only providing a number of additional scopes depending on the environment in which Spring is being deployed (for example, request and session scoped beans in a web environment), but also by providing integration points so that Spring users can create their own scopes.

It should be noted that although the underlying (and internal) implementation for singleton- and prototype-scoped beans has been changed, this change is totally transparent to the end user... no existing configuration needs to change, and no existing configuration will break.

Both the new and the original scopes are detailed in the section entitled Section 3.4, “Bean scopes”.

2.0、2.5で改良された重要な1つは、Spring IoC containerです。
前のバージョンのSpringでは、コンテナがサポートしていたのは、2つだけでした。(singleton prototype)